IBPS Specialist IT Officer 2013 study material PDF download

As the date of IBPS Specialist officer exam is approaching, everyone must be preparing very hard to clear it. Along with Numerical Ability, Reasoning & English, there will be particular section of Professional knowledge. I, with the help of some resources on the internet, have prepared a document for IT officer's professional knowledge section.

Download IBPS Specialist IT Ofiicer study material PDF

This document contains following sections:-
  • DBMS
  • Computer Networks (Other detailed material also provided)
  • Operating Systems
  • Compiler Design
  • Software Engineering
I will also provide some material specifically for the topics mentioned above along with the basics of programming.

Hope this helps.


  1. i am unable to download plz help i am using mobile phone.

  2. Sorry friend, you need to use Google drive from a computer to download the material.
