This article is about the important topics of Professional knowledge section for IBPS IT Specialist Officer exam. Here are some tips "How to clear IBPS Specialist Officer exam"
It happens many times that we know the answer of some factual question asked in MCQs but can not remember it in exam. We try our best to choose the correct alternative but in the end, we either leave it or choose the wrong one. In the end after getting out of the exam hall, all we give a reaction of 'Why didn't I attempt that question ' or 'Why did I mark the wrong answer'.

Introduction PART-1
It happens many times that we know the answer of some factual question asked in MCQs but can not remember it in exam. We try our best to choose the correct alternative but in the end, we either leave it or choose the wrong one. In the end after getting out of the exam hall, all we give a reaction of 'Why didn't I attempt that question ' or 'Why did I mark the wrong answer'.
So, here I am, with a list of topics to be revised for Professional knowledge section of IBPS IT Specialist Officer. I know you all have studied hard but all that matters is how many correct answers you can mark in the examination hall. So, revise these topics thoroughly because these topics are most likely to create confusion in exam hall if not properly revised.
NOTE: Topics mentioned here are considered to be most important topics only based on previous papers of IBPS IT Specialist Officer & are for revision purpose only. Syllabus is a lot more than this comprising of all topics of graduation.
NOTE: Topics mentioned here are considered to be most important topics only based on previous papers of IBPS IT Specialist Officer & are for revision purpose only. Syllabus is a lot more than this comprising of all topics of graduation.
Database Management
System (DBMS)
- Types of schema, difference in types of Schema
- Types of Data Models
- Types of Attributes
- Types of keys- candidate, primary, foreign
- E-R Diagram notions
- Relational Algebra Operators (with their symbols like π etc.)
- Integrity rules
- Types of Joins (Outer, natural etc.)
- Integrity constraints
- Commands used in SQL (specially DDL & DML)

- apart from the above- Group by, Like, As, etc.
- Database Administrator
- Specialization/Generalization
- Aggregation
- & all other important topics that you have marked
Data Communication
& Networking
- Types of IP Address class

- Subnet & related concepts
- Difference between OSI & TCP layers
- All 7 OSI layers, their functions, Protocols used in each layer
- Repeater, Bridge, hub, bus, router, gateway, switch etc, layers in which these operate.
- All the protocols that are important like HTTP, FTP, SMTP, SNMP, IGRP, NNTP, ARP, ICMP, IMAP MIME, SLIP, OSPF, HDLC, SDLC, ALOHA, FDDI etc.
- IEEE 802 Standards

- Types of Data transmission, transmission medium (Guided & Unguided)
- This syllabus of this subject is very vast. Revise every topic as much as you can because it is one of the important topics
Data Structures
- Data types (All & types)
- Algorithms like Greedy, Divide & conquer, backtracking & their applications
- Recursion & iteration
- auto, static, extern, register
- Pointers, passing as arguments to functions, Arrays
- Types of Linked lists, implementation
- Stack & queue, implementation with Array & Linked list, types, applications
- Trees, implementation, types (all types with applications)
- Traversal in trees
- Heap, B-tree, B+ tree
- Graphs (all types-too many), Adjacency matrix & list
- Spanning trees
- Shortest path problem ( All algorithms)
- Minimum spanning tree (All algorithms)
- Sorting (All types & you know that), their complexities in each case, their applications
- Searching (Everything)
- Hashing (All methods, collision resolution methods)
- Buddy systems
- Dynamic memory allocation
wonder , person who wrote this article ,actually cleared the SO exam?
ReplyDeleteWhy wonder about the person who wrote this article..the real question is..Will you?
Deleteb'cause i m not the one who wrote this crap !! you plagiarist woman
Deletesry sgain that was "me" again... before reading that article. plz delete that .
DeleteHope this apology of mine would bring smiles back on your face.
Deletehmmmm good info thank you
ReplyDeleteYou really guide4our exams..Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteThis article help us to revise what we have studied.
great awesome stuff