Some Interview questions asked to Engineers in IBPS clerical Interview

Interviews for IBPS Clerk III have been scheduled to start from 10 February, 2014. Many Engineers have qualified for the interview & the most common question that they fear from is "Why do you want to join banking sector as a clerk after Engineering?"
Common questions asked to Engineers in IBPS interview

So, I've written this article to help those candidates with some common interview questions asked to Engineers in IBPS interviews.

Why do you want to join banking sector after Engineering?
Aren’t you overqualified for this job?

MOST COMMON QUESTION & chances are that you will be facing it 99%. Banks generally want to know that why such an overqualified person wants to join banking sector, that too as a clerk.

So, here are my suggestions to answer this question. Respond to this question in your own words following these points in mind while answering an IBPS interview:

  • Confidence: Look confident & give a realistic answer. So, the interviewers won't assume that you are doing this just for the sake of getting job.
  • Confine your answer: Don't use so called 'pet' answers with 'feku' & long answers. Keep your answer short & simple.
  • Technology & you: Tell them that Banking sector has become totally computerized these days. Core banking, ATMs, internet & mobile banking is used in almost every bank.
  • Tell them that being an Engineer, how you would be able to understand these things with ease & help the bank grow. How you will be an asset for the bank.
  • Growth factor: Also, banking is a growing sector. There are a lot of opportunities in this banking sector 7 it seems to be a parallel of IT sector.
  • Job stability: Tell them about the stability of job in Public sector banks as compared to IT Sector. Also Fair chances of promotion 7 growth are given. Don't try to criticize the IT sector or your current employer.

*Some common mistakes people make*

Here are some common mistakes people make while answering above question & what they should avoid:

  • Interviewer asked the question in Hindi, but you started giving answer in English or vice versa. Chances are that they will ask you about the language you are comfortable in but if they don't, either answer in the language they asked the question or ask for their permission to answer in your language.
  • Language: It is better to ask for permission to answer in Hindi or local language if you are not comfortable in English than using wrong grammar & vocabulary. They will allow you happily.
  • Don't say anything about the 'no work pressure' at all. They might think that you are a kind of guy who could not handle work pressure & loves 'kam mehnat waale kaam'. (For your info- clerical work has some work pressure too like closing of month, financial year etc)
  • Never reveal that you are desperate for the job or you want to leave your current job in private sector due to work pressure. In reality, you may be, but there's no good in telling this to them indirectly.
  • Never say you didn't get the job. This may lead to cross questioning about your lifestyle during Engineering(ooooops) that in turn may affect your score.
  • Interviewers like people who do their homework about the job. Don't cite any wrong information about the job profile of clerk or the perks & facilities offered in bank.
  • People loose their smile when interviewers start teasing them about their degree. Don't do that. Keep a happy face. Its their job to do so. Also, a happy face leaves positive impression on the interviewers.

How will you manage with low salary of a clerk?
  • Tell them that salary of a clerk is not even that low. You would be surviving easily with a clerk's salary along with some savings.
  • You could tell them that the minimum in hand salary of a clerk is around 17,000 minimum. [(It is equivalent to the common starting salary of a fresher in in IT sector.)- Say this only if interviewer seems to be comparing with salary in IT sector.]

Have you applied for the Specialist Officer in IBPS?
  • Yeah, that is where these guys try to hold you from the neck. The truth may be that you have applied for the Specialist Officer exam & you can not lie about it.
  • Just tell them Yes. They know if you have applied for a clerk job after such a good degree, then you must have applied for a specialist officer too.
  • Don't worry. They are not going to fail you or give you low marks. They too know about the competition offered in IBPS SO exam & the number of vacancies. They just want to know about you.
  • In case you haven't applied for SO, just tell them you haven't but be ready to face the why?

Will you be still joining as a clerk if you get selected in SO exam?

Of course not & this is what you are going to tell them. This is the reality & no one will leave a specialist officer job over a clerk job. They are just testing you. Keep it short & to the point.

Did you apply for IBPS PO? If not, why? Its a better job for you than a bank clerk.
  • Again, you will have to tell the truth about it. Tell them in yes or no. If yes, they may ask about your experience & if by that time the final results of IBPS PO III are out, they will surely be asking about your result. Prepare you answer for this question in advance keeping the PO result in mind.
  • If not, make up an answer stating the reason like you didn't know when notification of PO exam was published or anything else. Prepare an answer in advance.

  • IBPS interview panel guys always try to make candidates feel comfortable. So, don't feel nervous about the interview. They are nice people most of the times.
  • Just be confident & answer them without fumbling. Practice some mock interviews with your friends & family members.
  • Write down the points that you will be answering when a particular question is asked but don't be so monotonous or repetitive like you have memorized it.
  • Don't panic if cross questioning occurs. Keep calm & answer them.
  • Once they are past your 'Engineering' thing, they will be asking simple questions related to banking & your background.
  • In the end, they just want to know whether you will prove to be a workhorse for them or not.Whether you will be joining the bank or not. You just have to show them that you are the right candidate.=>They give you average or good marks=>combined with your written score=> You are qualified & get the job.
  • I hope this post helps you in getting good marks in IBPS Clerk Interview.