This article is about the important topics of Professional knowledge section for IBPS IT Specialist Officer exam. This is part-2 of the article.
Part-1 of this article can be found here. CLICK HERE. It contains important revision topics for DBMS, Networking & Data Structure
NOTE: Topics mentioned here are considered to be most important topics only based on previous papers of IBPS IT Specialist Officer & are for revision purpose only. Syllabus is a lot more than this comprising of all topics of graduation.
Part-1 of this article can be found here. CLICK HERE. It contains important revision topics for DBMS, Networking & Data Structure

NOTE: Topics mentioned here are considered to be most important topics only based on previous papers of IBPS IT Specialist Officer & are for revision purpose only. Syllabus is a lot more than this comprising of all topics of graduation.
Operating System
- Memory hierarchy, OS Structure
- Batch, Interactive, Time sharing (Multitasking), Real Time, Multiprocessor, Multiuser, Multiprocess, Multithreaded Systems- carefully
- System calls- all types & their functions
- CPU Scheduling- Short term, medium term, long term, criteria for scheduling
- Scheduling algorithms- FCFS, SJFS, PS, Round Robin S, multiprocessor S--with their Gantt charts
- Process Control block
- Critical Section problems & semaphores, types of semaphores
- Synchronization problems (bounded buffer, readers-writers)
- Deadlock, necessary conditions for deadlock (all 4 on tips)
- Deadlock prevention, avoidance detection & recovery methods (thoroughly), Resource allocation graph
- Paging, segmentation, virtual memory, swapping, thrashing, fragmentation, page replacement algorithms- these concepts are very easy if revised well
- RAID, File system concepts
Digital circuits
& systems, Microprocessor
- Boolean Algebra concepts-conversions, applications (Every one is expert in this but there is no harm in revising it again)
- Logic gates too included
- K-maps
- Adders, Encoders & Decoders (thoroughly)
- Multiplexers & De-multiplexers (thoroughly)
- Micro-controller & microprocessor
- 8085 & 8086 microprocessors, memory, interrupts like RST, TRAP etc basic things about these (IBPS seems to be too much interested in microprocessors-last two years' papers)
Software Engineering
- Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- Models: Water Fall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model
- SRS, needs, DFDs, SQA
- Concepts of Software design
- Coupling and Cohesion Measures
- Software Measurement and Metrics
- Testing (All types from a standard book)- Unit, Integration, acceptance, regression, top down, bottom up, black box (functional), white box( glass box or structural), alpha, beta etc--ALL TYPES
- CASE tools
- Verification & validation
- other concepts- because there are too many
Cryptography & Network Security
- Encryption & Decryption concepts
- Concepts related to Network security-- Too many
- Public& private key etc
- Basic concepts of security algorithms: DES, RSA, SHA etc
- Digital signatures, Kerberos, PGP, S/MIME
- IP Security, SSL
- Types of Viruses, phases of virus lifetime
- Intrusion, firewalls etc
Other random topics
which I find important (including Basic programming concepts, Compiler & Web technology)
- Types of flip flops, their implementations, conditions
- TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS & related definitions
- Pipelining concepts
- ASCII, UNICODE, EBCDIC (just definition & used for)
- Cache hit, miss
- Port numbers used by important protocols
- Object oriented programming concepts (Everybody knows what concepts)
- Constructor, destructor, Virtual classes & other concepts (need not say)
- Compiler phases, types of compilers, tools used
- Hamming code formulae for error detection & correction
- typecasting (in case a program for output is asked)
- Dynamic loading & linking
- Formulae for depth, number of nodes etc in tree, same in case of graphs
- Some basic file commands in C language
- Automata- just basic definitions like Finite,deterministic etc, types of grammar
- Data warehousing basics, Data mining, OLAP, OLTP
I have written these topics here so one does not simply miss any of these while revising. I hope everyone clears the written of IBPS IT Specialist Officer exam this year.
plz upload a capsule of important objective questions,it would be quite helpful...........
ReplyDeleteEverything is important in this exam. I've already uploaded many PDF files in IBPS IT specialist officer section. Just try to revise every basic concept & go through those MCQs.
DeleteHey Admin, can you explain IP Addressing little bit in detail
ReplyDeletefollow the link given below, If you can refer to a standard book like Forouzan you'll understand better from that:
Above url is in full deep. I just wanted to know the overview and want to under how classes are made and subnet can be made.Please give me your document link.It will be sufficient for me for IT Officer.
DeleteThanks for giving us previous support