Last date to apply online for MPPCS: 04.02.2014
Paper I - General Studies
Paper II - General Aptitude Paper
There will be no Negative Marking.
Last time for MPPCS State Service Examination 2012, the cutoff for prelims was very high because there is no negative marking. Have a look at the cutoff below:

This is cutoff out of 400. However, the questions asked in the exam were quite easy & very basic in nature that do not require much in-depth knowledge. For basics, NCERTs are the best resource that could be used.
Preparation Strategy for MPPSC Prelims
Questions on general science and Environment (Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity & Climate
Change) will cover general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of every day
observation and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special
study of any particular scientific discipline.
Read Science NCERTs from Class 6th to 9th, Available in Hindi and English Both.
In current events knowledge of significant National and International level will be tested.
Current Affairs needed to be
prepared would be from after Last Year prelims, You can refer to any of the
Annual current affair yearbook for last year current affairs and after that
read a newspaper daily(Very Essential), Also refer to Monthly Current Affairs
Magazines which provide a consolidated Info about monthly current events of
National & International Importance.
In History, questions of general knowledge related to social, economic and political aspects will be
asked. Also, there will be questions on Indian National Movement and Development of Independent
Read Class 7th,8th History NCERT book. For Indian National Movement, Read Bipin Chandra.
There will be questions of general knowledge relating to Physical, social and economic geography. It will also include questions on Indian Agriculture and Natural resources.
There will be questions pertaining to demography and census of India.
Read Geography NCERT of Class
7th,8th,9th. For latest demographics and census refer the current affairs
(b) General Geographical awareness of world
Last Year, We had a question
on Equator passing through which of the countries and another on which is the
City of Canals, So general questions are asked about the Geographical
Awareness of the World, about which you can find in any General Knowledge(Not
Current Affairs) book. Also get an idea about the World Map
5. Indian Polity and Economy
Political system and constitution of the country, Panchayati Raj, social system, sustainable economic
development, elections, political parties, plans, industrial development, foreign trade and economic
and financial institutions.
Very Important part, Last
year also a large number of questions were from this section.
For Political system and constitution of the country, Panchayati Raj, social system, sustainable economic development, elections, political parties, plans : Refer Class 6th,7th,8th,9th Polity NCERT, after that Read Indian Polity by M. Laxmikant. -For industrial development, foreign trade and economic and financial institutions : For Basics Read Economics Class 10th NCERT and Foreign Trade and economic and financial institutions from Net(Wikipedia etc). |
6. Sports
Important games and sports tournaments, Awards, personalities and Renowned Sports Institutions of
M.P., India, Asia and World.
Read Sports part from General
Knowledge and Current Affairs book both. It will cover general awareness about
sports and current events both.
7. Geography, History and Culture of M.P.
There will be questions related to the development of Mountains, rivers, climate, Flora and Fauna,
Minerals transportation in the Geography of Madhya Pradesh . It will also have questions relating to
important dynasties of M.P., Contribution of important dynasties in the Histroy & Culture of Madhya
Pradesh, There will be questions on Tribals, Arts, Architecture, Fine Arts and Historical personalities
of M.P.
Political system, Political parties and elections, Pachyati Raj, Social system and sustainable economic
development of M.P.. This will also include questions on Industry, Plans, Economic programmes,
business, demography and census of M.P.
Many books are available for
MP General Studies part, but they should be complimented by Latest
Information from Internet Resources.
Here are some resources:
9. Information and Communication Technology Questions pertaining to characteristics, uses, and terminologies such as website, online, search
engine, e-mail, video mail, chatting, video conferencing, hacking, cracking, virus and cyber crime.
This a easy part with limited
syllabus, Lots of Online Resources are available for ICT,Search Computer
Awareness on Internet, you will get resources for it.
Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 (No. 22 of 1955)
Last year we had around 8-10
Questions from this section.
11. The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.
2. Interpersonal skill including communication skill
3. Logical reasoning and analytical ability
4. Decision making and problem solving
5. General mental ability
6. Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, order of magnitude ect.-Class X level) Data
interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc.-Class X level)
7. Hindi Language Comprehension Skill (Class X level)
Note:- Question relating to Hindi Language Comprehension skill of Class X level will be tested
through passages from Hindi language only without providing English Translation thereof in the
question paper.
The above sections can be
mastered by continuous practice. If you are not from Maths background read
Class 7th-9th NCERT to learn the basics and then buy an Aptitude and Logical
Reasoning book for practice.
You can download the previous paper of MPPCS 2012 from here.
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