Many of SSC-CGL aspirants don't know much about some posts offered through this exam. So, I have prepared an article about the job profiles offered through SSC-CGL.
On page number 3,4 & 5 of the Advertisement, you will find a table with all posts offered through SSC-CGL. They are given their Respective codes in first column 'Code'
All other posts except above mentioned do not require physical test.
posts require Physical test?
On page number 3,4 & 5 of the Advertisement, you will find a table with all posts offered through SSC-CGL. They are given their Respective codes in first column 'Code'
Posts that require Physical test
Inspector, (Central Excise)
Inspector (Preventive Officer)
Inspector (Examiner)
Sub Inspectors Central Bureau of Investigation
Inspector Central Bureau of Narcotics
Sub-Inspector Central Bureau of Narcotics
All other posts except above mentioned do not require physical test.
NOTE: To find the physical requirements for these posts, check page number 21 of the advertisement.
Desk jobs: Assistants, Auditors, Accountants, Tax-assistants, upper division clerks, compilers
Difference between Desk job & Field
Desk jobs: Assistants, Auditors, Accountants, Tax-assistants, upper division clerks, compilers
Field jobs: Inspectors (income tax, excise, preventive officers, examiners), CBI, Narcotics etc.
Desk job
Field job
Does not require any physical standard
Requires a minimum
physical standard (Refer page 21 of the advertisement)
Working hours limited
May depend upon the work load
Ideal for other preparations
Depends upon work
Comfortable social life
More respect & power
Less chances of transfer( In many, posting is in Delhi for lifetime)
Transfers more often
No danger for life, no weapons
Depends on profile, sometimes
dangerous situations may occur.
- So, you have to first decide whether you want to go for a desk job or a field job?
- Once you have decided this depending upon your situation & mindset, you can move on to the next section that contains details about all the job profiles.
All job profiles explained
Job profile - CODE
Inspector, (Central
Excise)- K
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600.
- If posted in Headquarter-Clerical/File work. If posted in the field (like a range etc)-Executive work e.g. augmentation of central excise & Service tax etc, detection of evasion of taxes etc.
- Uniform (khaki) is there but generally optional to wear.
- His promotions in the order are Superintendent (Group-B Gazetted), Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and so on. There is a qualifying period of 8 years for the promotion to the post of Superintendent; means he cant be promoted to that post before completion of eight years of service as Excise Inspector. There is a departmental exam for confirmation; without passing in that he cant be made confirmed; nor he can be promoted to the next post. Promotion period differs from zone to zone since there is zonal seniority.
- These posts are everywhere in the country.
Inspector (Examiner)- M
- This post is in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600.
- If posted in Headquarter-Clerical/File work If posted in the field-Executive work e.g. to examine the goods imported or to be exported and assessing duty on that
- This is not an uniform post.
- His promotions in the order are Appraiser (Group-B Gazetted), Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and so on. There is a qualifying period of 3 years for the promotion to the post of Appraiser; means he cant be promoted to that post before completion of three years service as Examiner.
- This post is considered to be the best among all CGLE posts. One of the main reasons is faster promotions as compared to the other posts of CGLE.
- Examiner posts lie in 11 coastal cities only.
Inspector (Preventive Officer)- L
- This post is in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600.
- If posted in Headquarter-Clerical/File work If posted in the field (like an airport/coast etc)-Executive work e.g. prevention of smuggling, assessment of customs duty on goods, can arrest, seize , search, detain etc. on any kind of doubt of smuggling, and etc.
- Duty is round the clock (You have to work in day/night shift).
- Its a kind of job of both collecting intelligence as well as prevention- be prepared to work day and night, far away from your home.
- Uniform (Ashoka Stambha with 2 yellow strips) is a must.
- His promotions in the order are Superintendent (Group-B Gazetted), Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and so on. There is a qualifying period of 8 years for the promotion to the post of Superintendent; means he cant be promoted to that post before completion of eight years of service as PO. There is a departmental exam for confirmation; without passing in that he cant be made confirmed; nor he can be promoted to the next post. Promotion period differs from zone to zone since there is zonal seniority.
- This post like the Examiner post lies in 11 coastal cities only.
Enforcement Officer (AEO)- N
- This is an inspector post also; and posted in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600. If posted in Headquarter-Clerical/File work.
- If posted in the field-Executive work e.g. prevention of money laundering, to conduct searches of suspected persons, conveyances and premises and seize incriminating materials (including Indian and foreign currencies involved), to arrest and prosecute the person suspected to be involved in the act of money laundering, etc.
- His promotions in the order are Enforcement Officer (Group-B Gazetted), Assistant Director, Deputy Director and so on.
- There are ten Zonal Offices of the Directorate at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow and Mumbai. The Zonal Offices are headed by the Deputy Directors.
- The Directorate has eleven Sub Zonal Offices at Bhubaneswar, Calicut, Guwahati, Indore, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Madurai, Nagpur, Patna, Srinagar and Varanasi, which are headed by the Assistant Directors.
Income Tax Inspector- J
- He is posted in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600. An ITI generally can be posted at either of the two types of seats which are transferable on cyclic basis.
- This is a job without uniform.
- Work related to assessment of tax or non-assessment of tax. When on an assessment seat he is supposed to see the work related to assessment of income tax to be imposed on an individual, partnership firm, company etc; and refund of it in case someone has deposited in excess.
- He also has to see the work related to TAX DEDUCTION AT SOURCE (TDS) besides being accompanying a raid team. An ITI on non-assessment seat generally has to do clerical work though he too could be asked to accompany a raid team.
- His promotions in the order are ITO, Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and so on.
- Perks & benefits: He is entitled for 30 liter of petrol if posted on assessment seat. Also he gets a sim from the department on which all STD calls on every type of BSNL/MTNL phone are free; and 400 minutes on other phones whether STD or LOCAL are free for every month. This sim is provided to every ITI irrespective of the seat he is posted at.
- To be eligible for promotion to the post of ITO (Group-B Gazetted) he has to pass the departmental exam; but this exam is just for ELIGIBILITY; promotion is on the basis of SENIORITY only which differs from zone to zone.
- After promotion to the post of Assistant Commissioner the transfer becomes ALL INDIA LIABILITY. Before that the department can transfer him within the zone only unless he himself is interested in the zonal transfer.
Inspector of Posts (IP)- P
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600. Inspector of posts is there with every postal division. There must be 2 or more divisions in each district.
- This is the worst post SSC is offering. Presently IP must go to canvass people for getting Postal Life Insurance and also they have to acquire a huge sum for the department. Presently The Department of Posts has given instructions to all circles to enhance their growth by 20 percent. All such burden comes on IPs.
SI in CBI- O
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,200; but it's almost equal to the total salary for the grade pay of Rs 4,600 as CBI executive staff is entitled to additional 25% on BASIC PAY + DA and in addition to that salary of 13 months instead of 12 months each year. Forget about any extra income as CBI keeps a strict watch on its people.
- This is supposed to be a very powerful and influential post due to very nature of work. Any IT Inspector/ Examiner or for that matter any other central govt servant will vouch for the fact that CBI is a much feared organisation. I can't say about higher bureaucracy like IAS etc, but for middle and lower level officers, once they come under the scanner, it is very difficult to get away.
- Life in CBI is stressful due to heavy workload and deadlines.
- Training duration is 32 weeks involving physical training and training on criminal and anti-corruption laws. During the training the daily physical activity includes 2 km run, PT, Drill in the morning and Games/Unarmed Combat Course in the evening.
- Friends, as it is generally thought it is not a 24 x 7 job; but sometimes the work stretches beyond the usual working hours i.e. sometimes one has to work till 8 or 9 pm. Usually on Saturdays, if the workload is more, the work goes on as usual; though Sundays are spared. Also in some branches like Special Crime etc, the job involves a fair bit of travelling especially in the starting years. The nature and hours of work also differs from branch to branch and place to place. Some branches have less workload and so the personnel can take it easy.
- No uniform required.
- Sub Inspectors in CBI or for that matter any rank in CBI does not possess revolver/pistol. In a very few cases, when a search is to be carried out in some dangerous places, weapons are issued to the staff. The officers of CBI themselves are not interested in carrying weapon.
requirements for Sub-Inspector(SI) in CBI
For men – 165 cms.
For women – 150 cms.
Height relaxable for Hillsmen and Tribals: 5 cms.
76 cms. with expansion (There shall be no such requirement
in case of female candidates)
Eye-sight (with or without glasses)
Distant vision : 6/6 in one and 6/9 in the other eye.
Near vision 0.6 in one eye and 0.8 in other eye.
Assistant CSS- A
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600.
- As this is now the lowest post in CSS one is supposed to do every work that a clerk does; like typing, noting, drafting and all file work. Without typing you cant do.
- Promotion: An Assistant in CSS can be promoted to the next post i.e. SO (Group-B Gazetted) in two ways. One by taking departmental exam and passing it and secondly without. One becomes eligible for the departmental exam after completion of 5 years of service means he could become an SO after 6 years. Otherwise one generally gets promotion in around 10 years of service.
- Status and Power wise this job is not considered to be rather good upto Under secretary level in CSS. Means nothing much associated to this. & YES, NO CORRUPTION! An Assistant in CSS is posted in various various ministries and is a DELHI job primarily.
- Promotions pay grades
1. SO which is a group-B gazetted post with GP of Rs 4,800. An SO is fixed in the next GP of 5,400 in Pay Band-II itself after completion of 4 years service as SO.
2. Under Secretary with GP of Rs 6,6003. Deputy Secretary with GP of Rs 7,6004. Director with GP of Rs 8,700
Assistant in Railway- D
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600.
- As I have learnt an Assistant in Railway is generally posted at RAIL BHAWAN. Since Rail Bhawan is in Delhi itself. If it's so it should be better than CSS.
- An Assistant in Railway gets some additional benefits like; a little over double of the bonus that the employees of other govt organisations get (around Rs 8,000 a year) and free All India Railway AC Pass/es. Also you might be getting some kind of benefits in Ticket Reservation etc.
- As far as promotion prospects here are concerned they might be a little slower than CSS.
- Lots of benefits: An Assistant in Railways gets 1 pass for family ( to and fro) anywhere in India free and 3 passes for family (to and fro) in which he pays 1/3rd of the total amount of fare. all this is for tier-2 AC ticket then railway has its own railway homes all over India; so u can stay there at a very cheap rate if u using railway passes.
Assistant in CVC- B
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600.
- Not much details available but its a total corruption free job.
- One will have to do work related to vigilance of various govt. employees.
Assistant in IB- C
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600. (Same as Assistant in CVC)
- Not much details available but it is considered to be one among top 10 priorities of SSC-CGL Aspirants.
- Involvement in Intelligence Bureau itself is a proud job for any Indian who wants to serve his country.
Assistant AFHQ- G
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600.
- AFHQ means Airforce Head Quarters. So, you will be permanently posted in Delhi.
- Not much details available.
Assistant in MEA- E
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600.The most sought after Assistant post under CGLE due to charm of foreign posting and many other lucrative facilities.
- Assistant (General) is supposed to be posted generally 3 years in India and 3 years in foreign; and like this throughout his tenure of service.
- Salary- There is normal salary package i.e. Rs.37,000/- when you are posted in Headquarter. In Foreign Posting you will get US $1800- US $2900 [Rs.1,10,000 to 1,70,000 ] Foreign Allowance + Current Basic (Rs.17,140 for New Joinee) + US $ 400- US $600 Other Allowance (such as heating or cold allowance)
- If you want Foreign Posting then you will get Foreign Posting, it totally depends on your own choice, there is no compulsion by Ministry. You can spend whole life in New Delhi. If you have a jack/link you can also get home posting in R.P.O (Regional Passport Office)
- Promotion Prospective- Assistant to Administrative Officer in 5 years (If you clear Departmental Exam) Otherwise 8 years. Administrative Officer to Under Secretary(IFS) 8 years. Under Secretary to Deputy Secretary 8 years. Deputy Secretary to Director 6 years. Director to Joint Secretary 4 years. In small countries Director will be posted as a Head of Mission ( Consulate General of India) Joint Secretary is a Ambassador level post.
- One of the Best Benefit- Assistant is IFS(B) Cadre post. When you become Under Secretary you will get IFS Cadre and UPSC will allot you a batch year, thereafter you can call yourself IFS Officer.
- After joining your first posting will after 1.5 yrs. Foreign Countries are divided in 5 categories i.e. A+, A, B, C, Hard C. In Super A category there are New York, Toronto, Washington DC, Wellington, Geneva etc. In A Category London, Paris, Madrid, Mexico City, Tokoyo, Berlin Etc. In Hard C Category there is Kabul, Damascus, Kandhar, Mazar-e-Sarif etc.
- If one choose any of the hard countries, he is given 50% more salary and his tenure there is counted as DOUBLE; means he has to serve there for one and a half year which is counted equal to three years.
- Accommodation- In Headquarter you will get Type-III GOVT Quarter. MEA has its own Quarter in Dawarka, New Delhi. There is no waiting list like other ministries/department where 6000 thousand pluse waiting list (it will take approx 7-8 years). In MEA you will get quarter after completion of one year service. If you have alraedy completed one year govt service in other department, you will get your quarter with your joining. In foreign posting government provides 3 BHK fully furnished flat where all household things are available such as A.C, Refrigerator, Sofa, Bed etc. so there is no need to buy daily use things. Inadvertently if you don't get Govt accommodation on time then you are entitle to get accommodation in Five Star Hotel with your entire family.
- An Assistant (General) is supposed to be posted generally 3 years in India and 3 years in foreign and like this throughout his tenure of service.
Assistant (Cypher) in MEA- F
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600.
- Cypher Asst. (MEA) is a little different from Asst. (MEA) because they have to do the task of coding and decoding of some highly confidential language in addition.
- Cypher has night shifts also and has to work for 6 days. A system of 2 days off and 2 days will be night shift.
- Cyphor Asst gets more foreign postings than general Asst but the promotional avenues are better in General Asst.
- In MEA, the promotional chances are very less as compared to Asst.(General) and one can go up to the level of Under Secretary (US). He can be promoted to the next post in two ways
1. Direct after 15-17 years
2. After 8 years or so after clearing departmental exams. - An Assistant (Cypher) is posted 3 years in India and 6 years in foreign and like this.
Assistant -Other Ministries/
Departments/Organizations- H
Assistant -Other Ministries/
Departments/Organizations- I
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,600 for Job code H & grade Pay of RS. 4200 for Job code I.
- As the name suggests, you can be posted in any of the ministries of the Govt.
- These may or may not involve Permanent Delhi posting.
- For example,Other organization ;Election Commission =always in Delhi.
- But other organization >>Coast guard=sometimes in Chennai (Eastern command) and sometimes Kolkata (North Eastern Command).
Divisional Accountant- Q
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,200.This post comes under CAG and this organisation only allocate the states/zones to DAs.
- The allocation is made to different different states' AG offices as per the position of merit and state preferences of an individual.
- Divisional Accountant works in Public works departments offices (PWDs) which is a state govt office.
- There are some departments in every state like agriculture; irrigation; etc. Each such department is further divided into some divisions. The head of the accounting branch of such division is called DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT. He has to see everything regarding expenses incurred on an item falling into his area; make estimation of an expense to be incurred on an item and make budget regarding the same; and etc.
- The final decision is to be taken by his seniors who normally don't make an objection on the file put by the Division Accountant. All in all this post is reported to be very good.
- Since he is Central govt representative in state dept he enjoys great power and respect in the office and works independently.
- The next promotional post is Divisional Accountant Officer.
- In terms of pure salary: Divisional accountant is better than Auditors, Jr. Accountants.
Statistical Investigator
Grade II- R
- This is a post in the pay band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of RS 4,200.Office Posting:
- All type of clerical work like Noting, Drafting, Dispatching of documents, etc.; and Data Entry, Analysis, Tabulation, Compiling and Editing of Data, Data Encoding etc.
- Field Posting: Data collection of any type of area like agricultural, ration etc, preparing rough sketch maps of areas to be enumerated etc. When on a field work he is entitled for certain allowances; Rs 500 or roundabout.
- Promotions: Statistical Investigator-I (Group-B Gazetted), Assistant Director, Deputy Director, Joint Director and so on.
- NOTE: DON'T apply for this post if you do not have relative degree required for this post.
Offices under C&AG
Offices under CGDA
Auditor Offices
under CGA & others
Accountant Offices under C&AG
Accountant Offices under CGA & others
- This is a post in the pay band 5,200-20,200 with grade pay of RS 2,800.He has to pass a confirmatory exam first to be confirmed.
- Promotion: He becomes Sr Auditor automatically after the completion of three CALENDER YEARS service as Auditor subject to his confirmation. The pay-band for Sr Auditor is 5,200-20,200 and grade pay of Rs 4,200.
- An Auditor can also appear in the SAS Exam after two years of qualifying service at the post if he is confirmed. After passing the exam he becomes AAO (Assistant Audit Officer) which is a Group-B gazetted post in the pay-band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of Rs 4,800. But while on this post of AAO he has to pass certain departmental exam which has papers that are extremely difficult in nature. If they are not passed within a certain period he is subjected to be demoted to the Auditor post again. BIG DRAWBACK!
- Auditor is considered to be the best amongst all non-interview post.
NOTE: Difference
CGDA and C&AG |
- CGDA deals with audit works of defence forces (in various offices around India) while C&AG is central audit dept dealing with state govt audits.
- CGDA has posting in Delhi while C&AG has offices all over India.
- Salary of Auditor CGDA is Rs 27,000 approx while that of Auditor C&AG is Rs 21,000 approx.
Tax Assistant CBDT (Direct tax) –Z
Tax Assistant CBEC (Excise &
customs) - @
- This is a post in the pay band 5,200-20,200 with grade pay of RS 2,400.
- Interview= No
- physical= No
- Data-entry test= Yes.
- Tax Assistant in CBDT can be posted at two levels, either in assessment of tax or in non-assessment.
- When he is posted in assessment he is supposed to do the work related to assessment of the income tax of an individual or a partnership firm or a company or as the case maybe; and he is to feed that data in the computer. He could also be asked to do any clerical work like work related to DIARY AND DISPATCH, noting, drafting etc.
- He could also be asked to accompany the RAID team.
- When he is posted at a seat that belongs to non-assessment he is supposed to do only clerical work.
- Promotions: Sr TA, ITI, ITO (Group-B gazetted); Assistant commissioner and so on.
So far, I've given a brief detail about all the job profiles offered through SSC CGL.
Courtesy: SSCKing
Courtesy: SSCKing
To sum up:
- If you want an Assistant(Desk) job, put codes A to I first. Internal choices like (B,C,E....) or (E, F, A..) may be yours as per your interest.
- If you are more passionate about field jobs, then you can fill them from the table provided on the top of of this page first according to your interest.
- After that, fill non-interview posts as your choice accordingly.
I hope this article helps everyone in understanding the job profiles offered through SSC-CGL.

Very good post thnx
ReplyDeletewhich is the best book for books for ssc cgl.
ReplyDeleteawesome hope i read it before, as i already filed up the prefernces randomly without knowing much abt the detail.Also i want to start my preparation for ssc in a dedicated manner by tomorrow can u help me with this.As such i think i am too late in my preparation,but with urs guidance i know i can.
ReplyDeleteSir SSC Junior Translator ka paper kab hoga .
ReplyDeleteStaff Selection Commission has release SSC CGL 2017 Notification for 3805 Police, Custom, Excise department jobs. Candidates can fill up SSC CGL Application Form from 16.05.2017 to 19.06.2017. Candidates can attend the SSC CGL Tier I Exam from 01.08.2017 to 20.08.2017. Staff Selection Commission is the main department to organize various departmental, ministerial & competitive examination in the India. It was founded in 04th November, 1975 and is located in New Delhi. Participants who wants to apply in SSC must visit its official website &