IBPS IT SO 2014 paper will consist of 200 Questions.
Since IT section consists of 75 marks, it is more predictable that people scoring in this section will score more in over all. So, base on the previous years' papers of IBPS IT SO, I am giving a brief syllabus for professional knowledge section in IT.
Data Base Management System (DBMS) – 15-20 Questions-VERY IMPORTANT
2. Normalization
3. Overview of SQL queries
4. E- R Diagrams
5. Transaction Management
Data Communication & Networking – 10-15 Questions-VERY IMPORTANT
1. Network Architecture
2. OSI Model
3. TCP-IP Model
4. Data Communication
5. IP Addressing (Subnetting)
Operating System – 4-5 Questions
1. Process
2. Thread
3. Types of OS
4. Semaphore
5. Scheduling
6. Dead Lock
7. Memory Partitioning
8. Page Replacement
Computer organization + Hardware (Microprocessor ) – 4-5 Questions
1. Bus Structure
Network Security – 2 – 3 Questions
1. Cyber Crimes
2. Risk Management
3. Firewall
4. Cryptography
5. Basic knowledge about security algorithms
Software Engineering – 2 – 3 Questions
1. Software Development life cycle (SDLC)
2. Types of Testing
Data Structures – 3 – 4 Questions
*Time & space complexity
*recursion & iteration
1. Array
2. Linked List
3. Stacks (operations, terms used etc)
4. queue (types terms, implementation)
5. All types of sorting( just knowledge about basic functioning & complexity, comparisons etc)
6. Graph (search techniques & other terms)
7. Hashing (all terms)
8. Types of tree(height, level etc,traversal, all terms, functioning & implementation
Web Technologies – 1-2 Questions
1. HTML Tags
2. XML
3. Network Security
Compiler – 1-2 Questions
1. Phases of Compiler
2. Functions of compiler
3. Types of Compiler
Programming Languages (basics only) – 1-2 Questions
1. C, C++
2. OOP (Objected oriented Programming)
NOTE: This is minimum predictable syllabus based on the questions asked in previous papers. I suggest you to go thoroughly through your textbooks for the basic concepts of every subject mentioned above.
Since IT section consists of 75 marks, it is more predictable that people scoring in this section will score more in over all. So, base on the previous years' papers of IBPS IT SO, I am giving a brief syllabus for professional knowledge section in IT.
IBPS Specialist IT Officer Professional Knowledge Syllabus
Data Base Management System (DBMS) – 15-20 Questions-VERY IMPORTANT
2. Normalization
3. Overview of SQL queries
4. E- R Diagrams
5. Transaction Management
Data Communication & Networking – 10-15 Questions-VERY IMPORTANT
1. Network Architecture
2. OSI Model
3. TCP-IP Model
4. Data Communication
5. IP Addressing (Subnetting)
Operating System – 4-5 Questions
1. Process
2. Thread
3. Types of OS
4. Semaphore
5. Scheduling
6. Dead Lock
7. Memory Partitioning
8. Page Replacement
Computer organization + Hardware (Microprocessor ) – 4-5 Questions
1. Bus Structure
Network Security – 2 – 3 Questions
1. Cyber Crimes
2. Risk Management
3. Firewall
4. Cryptography
5. Basic knowledge about security algorithms
- Encryption/Decryption
- Other concepts
Software Engineering – 2 – 3 Questions
1. Software Development life cycle (SDLC)
2. Types of Testing
- Black box testing
- White box testing
- Other types of testing
- Waterfall Model
- Spiral model
- Other models
Data Structures – 3 – 4 Questions
*Time & space complexity
*recursion & iteration
1. Array
2. Linked List
3. Stacks (operations, terms used etc)
4. queue (types terms, implementation)
5. All types of sorting( just knowledge about basic functioning & complexity, comparisons etc)
6. Graph (search techniques & other terms)
7. Hashing (all terms)
8. Types of tree(height, level etc,traversal, all terms, functioning & implementation
Web Technologies – 1-2 Questions
1. HTML Tags
2. XML
3. Network Security
Compiler – 1-2 Questions
1. Phases of Compiler
2. Functions of compiler
3. Types of Compiler
Programming Languages (basics only) – 1-2 Questions
1. C, C++
2. OOP (Objected oriented Programming)
- Classes
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Virtual Classes
- Constructors & Destructors
NOTE: This is minimum predictable syllabus based on the questions asked in previous papers. I suggest you to go thoroughly through your textbooks for the basic concepts of every subject mentioned above.

Gr8t....i thanx u 4 doing such wonderfull work..plz keep update daily
ReplyDeleteThank you Ranjit :)
ReplyDeletethis is d only blog where i got all my points clear related to IBPS Specialist IT officer... ur great sir... thank you...
ReplyDeletenice clear distribution information .Thank you.
ReplyDeletesalo... indiabix ... ke question copy and paste karke aapna pdf study material banate ho .... sharm nahi aati kya . "PLAGIARIST"... salo
ReplyDeleteIf you just go through some standard books of your syllabus, you'll find the questions as exact as written in those books.